
Welcome to the Colfax Ward Relief Society Blog!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Invitation to All

Golf Tournament and Catered BBQ

Kris Ward is organizing a fun filled day for Spencer to celebrate his 40th birthday.  The Golf Tournament is for anyone who wants to play at Colfax Golf Club. Following the tournament we will move to Schmuck Park where we will have a Catered BBQ and a DJ for music and fun after dinner.  Click on the flyer below for more detail. Please consider this an invitation to all!  If you know of anyone who you think would be interested in attending please forward this info to them.  
Get more detail!!!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Monthly RS Temple Trip

August 13th, 10:00 AM Session at the Spokane Temple - 2 seats left.

Sister Beth Moxley organizes a monthly trip to the Spokane Temple and offers a standing invitation to sisters of the Colfax Ward to join her as carpool room permits. Her next Temple trip is scheduled for August 13th, 10:00 AM session. As of August 4th, she has two seats left in her SUV and extends an invitation to any sisters with a Temple Recommend. Plan to depart Colfax at 8:00 AM.

Please call Sister Moxley at 509-595-1296 or email moxleybr@gmail.com to join in this experience.