
Welcome to the Colfax Ward Relief Society Blog!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Carol Stoner

We regret to inform all that Carol Stoner Passed away this after noon at her home. Her funeral arrangements are currently being made and could very well be early to mid next week. We will updated when the arrangements have been finalized.
if you can, please keep your meal appointments and add a tad extra for the potential of a few extra guests that may be there to help. Thank you so much.

presented by Jackie Burnett

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 4th Lesson Overview

Mother's Day Presentation
by Kelsey Livingston 

Welcome to Relief Society
Keep Trying. Be Believing. Be Happy. 
Don't Get Discouraged. Everything
Will Work Out -Gordon B. Hinkley

Honoring Women
  • Not here to honor motherhood as much as to honor the pain we feel surrounding Mother's Day.
  • Anyone can say Happy Mother's Day.
  • Who ask's, "Why is it painful?"
  • Who says, " I am sorry; It's hard for me too."
For Whom is Mother's Day Hard?
The " Outside Category"
  • Those who are unmarried
  • Those with no children 
  • are infertile
  • whose children have died
  • Adoptees
  • Adopted out
  • Career choices
  • Feel judged for being childless
For Whom is Mother's Day Hard?
The "Inside Category"
  • Children are estranged / mothers are estranged
  • Divorce / widower
  • Mothers who feel inadequate
  • Some feel like natural nurturers
  • Feel inadequate compared to church contemporaries
  • Not all women find happiness in motherhood
Quit Beating Yourself Up
  • If we compare ourselves to other Mormon women walking the halls of the church building, Satan has destined us for feelings of anguish and failure
  • God does not judge or compare us against anyone else. He compares us against our own potential given the current circumstances in which we live.
Celebrate Nurturing
  • To nurture: To cultivate, care for , make grow
  • All women have a nurturing quality that they bless the world with, whether or not they impart that with their own offspring.
  • Sheri Dew: " Women are the regenerating force in the lives of God's children."
Elder John A. Widtsoe
  • "Women who through no fault of their own cannot exercise the gift of motherhood directly, may do so vicariously."
  • All around us are those who need to be loved and led 
  • The blessings of Church Callings
To the right is Kelsey's Very First Calling.....

"What we celebrate about mothers is much more than a biological link. It's the desire to connect with others, to love and help other people. It's caring that helps a women enrich the lives of people around them"

Mother's Day Gift
  • Flowers and chocolates are nice but...
  • Forgive - Self and others
  • Forgive yourself, Because when your feel guilt, sorrow and pain, your Heavenly Parents feel it too.
Try for a moment to see
 ourselves as God sees us - 
as loved children, regardless of our age

To the right is a picture of Kelsey and her Mom. 
I believe taken at her Mom and Dads 60th Wedding Anniversary this year. 

You are truly a royal spirit daughter of almighty 
God. You are a princess, destined to become a queen. Your own wondrous story has already begun. Your " once upon a time" is now. 

                                                -Dieter F. Uchtdorf
presented by  Jackie Burnett

Monday, May 5, 2014

Relief Society May 4th

Liz Fiorentino is getting baptized on Saturday May 10th
at the Pullman Bldg. All are welcome please join us in welcoming
Liz into the Colfax Ward family.  It is so exciting to know that she has
chosen to follow Heavenly Fathers teachings.

Welcome Carolyn Arnett into the Ward Family. It's always a very happy day
when we can welcome another sister into the Relief Society. Please make sure when you see
Carolyn (Tracy Mathia's mom) you say hi and welcome her to the Ward.

Welcome Sarah Mortensen into the Ward Family. So glad to have more friends and families in the Ward.  Please welcome the Mortensens into the Ward.

Thank you for the out pouring of meals for the Stoner family.

The Relief Society would like to extend a request to you. I know that we have spent quite a bit of time taking meals to the Stoner's and you may be tired of hearing about it, but I am going to extend this request to you one more time.

To make a short request a bit longer, I would like to share a bit of her story so you can keep tabs on what is going on.

Carol has been battling cancer for quite some time. She was doing chemo and while that has had battles all on it's own, she has also been hit with a fractured leg, an overdose on pain medication and the realities that her cancer has spread and she now has a brain tumor. She was sent to a nursing home to try to recover when she decided she just wanted to be home so she could pass away in the peace that her home provides.

The doctors have only given her a short time to live and due to this, we need to work together to help Harry out during this awful time. Lets help support him so he doesn't have to worry about one more thing while he is watching his wife deteriorate and slip away.

I need the following days filled up. Lets shower this couple with love and kindness so they have one less thing to worry about and can focus on each other.

*Please remember that there are only 2 of them and that simple meals are best as Carol is still battling nausea. NOTE: Carol does love home canned peaches. :)*

May 5 (TODAY)     Betina Workman
May 7th               Kathe  Martin
May 12                 Liza Dailey
May 14                 Erica Anderson
May 19                 Liza Dailey
May 21                 Liz Fiorentino
May 26                 Tonya Knox 
May 28                 Dee Bryson
If you would like to sign yourself up for any of the listed dates (or a few of them) feel free to add your name here, respond to this email, text me @ 509-398-6301 or call me at 509-553-2025.

Thank you all so much for your time and help so far. Their family is so appreciative of the meals and it is definitely a huge help.
presented by Jackie Burnett

Friday, May 2, 2014

... for all your help!

We just wanted to send a sincere thank you to everyone who helped out and attended the funeral yesterday. Many hands truly make light work and we are grateful for the time, effort and energy that was expressed to help the Millers in such a wonderful way. The funeral was beautiful and the Millers were very grateful for our help. It was truly the combined effort that yielded such wonderful results.