Mother's Day Presentation
by Kelsey Livingston
Welcome to Relief Society
Keep Trying. Be Believing. Be Happy.
Don't Get Discouraged. Everything
Will Work Out -Gordon B. Hinkley
Honoring Women
- Not here to honor motherhood as much as to honor the pain we feel surrounding Mother's Day.
- Anyone can say Happy Mother's Day.
- Who ask's, "Why is it painful?"
- Who says, " I am sorry; It's hard for me too."
For Whom is Mother's Day Hard?
The " Outside Category"
- Those who are unmarried
- Those with no children
- are infertile
- whose children have died
- Adoptees
- Adopted out
- Career choices
- Feel judged for being childless
For Whom is Mother's Day Hard?
The "Inside Category"
- Children are estranged / mothers are estranged
- Divorce / widower
- Mothers who feel inadequate
- Some feel like natural nurturers
- Feel inadequate compared to church contemporaries
- Not all women find happiness in motherhood
Quit Beating Yourself Up
- If we compare ourselves to other Mormon women walking the halls of the church building, Satan has destined us for feelings of anguish and failure
- God does not judge or compare us against anyone else. He compares us against our own potential given the current circumstances in which we live.
Celebrate Nurturing
- To nurture: To cultivate, care for , make grow
- All women have a nurturing quality that they bless the world with, whether or not they impart that with their own offspring.
- Sheri Dew: " Women are the regenerating force in the lives of God's children."
Elder John A. Widtsoe
- "Women who through no fault of their own cannot exercise the gift of motherhood directly, may do so vicariously."
- All around us are those who need to be loved and led
- The blessings of Church Callings
To the right is Kelsey's Very First Calling.....
"What we celebrate about mothers is much more than a biological link. It's the desire to connect with others, to love and help other people. It's caring that helps a women enrich the lives of people around them"
Mother's Day Gift
- Flowers and chocolates are nice but...
- Forgive - Self and others
- Forgive yourself, Because when your feel guilt, sorrow and pain, your Heavenly Parents feel it too.
Try for a moment to see
ourselves as God sees us -
as loved children, regardless of our age
To the right is a picture of Kelsey and her Mom.
I believe taken at her Mom and Dads 60th Wedding Anniversary this year.
You are truly a royal spirit daughter of almighty
God. You are a princess, destined to become a queen. Your own wondrous story has already begun. Your " once upon a time" is now.
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf
presented by Jackie Burnett